The Finlandia by Forest Machines campaign, which Kurio designed for Neste, is shortlisted in the Voitto, Finnish Advertising Film Contest. The shortlist was selected by the jury on February 5th, 2018.

There are four series in the contest, with a total of 224 film entries. “Finlandia by Forest Machines”, which Kurio designed for Neste, is shortlisted in the Internet series.

The advertising films are evaluated based on cinematic expression, creative solutions and originality. The jury stated the shortlisted films as insightful new ideas and entities as well as time-sustaining concepts. According to the jury, the advertising films are international quality – the locations are skilfully used, and the performer choices are versatile as well as emotive. Also, the scriptwriting, visualization and technical expertise got a lot of praise.

The whole shortlist can be found from here (in Finnish), where you can watch all of the films, also. The public voting is now open, and the winners will be announced and awarded at Voitto Gala on Match 8th, 2018.

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